Curriculum Development Documents

What is Curriculum Development?

The curriculum design for academic programs must consider three (3) course components: General Courses, Core Courses, and Elective Courses. In general, the curriculum of academic programs must comply with the minimum graduation credit requirements and the standards of the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF).

Establishment of New Academic Programme Process Flow 


Establishment of New Academic Programme


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Establishment of New Academic Programme Templates

  1. Template for Establishment of New Academic Programme

Establishment of New Professional Certificate Course Process Flow

Establishment of New Academic Programme


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What is Curriculum Review?

The programme review cycle depends on the relevant programme standards. The review cycle should not go beyond five (5) years from the last review unless otherwise stated in the programme standards document. A Curriculum review exercise shall be conducted by The Centre of Studies (COS) with accordance to the following flowchart, Self-review report guideline and related template for the exercise. Upon the curriculum review has been endorsed in the senate, submission to JKPT is required especially when the curriculum review involved major changes such as the following:

i. Change of nomenclature.
ii. Change in total credit hour.
iii. Change of NEC.
iv. Change involving more than 30% of the curriculum content.

For new programme, a curriculum review must be conducted after the first cohort graduates.

Curriculum Review Process Flow




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Information on Curriculum Review

  1. List of IIUM Academic Programmes – As of 15 November 2024

Site Audit Checklist

  1. Audit Preparation Checklist

Course Outline and Course Plan

With the new course outline template, course owner must prepare a course plan to be read together with the course outline. Examples of course plan templates are given in the Annex of Appendix B. Each Centre of Studies (CoS) has the right to design their own course plan tailored to the needs and requirements of each CoS. The course plan will allow innovations in teaching and at the same time guide students better in their learning experience. In summary:

Course outline: Provides the basic information for the management and quality assurance of the course. The standardised template is to be used. Should there need to be additional information required by professional bodies, the course owner may include this as Annex 1. This course outline should be well thought-out to last the entire cycle of the curriculum without the need to re-submit to Senate.

Course plan: Provides the details on how the course is to be implemented for the particular semester. This includes details on what topic to be covered when, what activities to be done when, and the details of the assessment. There is no standardised template, as long as the information is understood and able to be monitored, the course instructor is accountable for the course plan implementation. The course plan is flexible in terms of its adaptability to the immediate needs that arise at any particular time.

  1. When do I need to submit a course outline for Senate endorsement? 
  2. Do I need to change the Course Code and Course Name (or Course Title) when I review a course outline?
  3. Course Outline Guidelines (General)
  4. Course Outline Guidelines (Addendum for Clinical)
  5. Template for Course Outline endorsed by Senate dated 30th July 2021  
  6. Samples of Course Plan Format 
  7. Checklist for Course Outline