Where Knowledge is Shared and Cherished for Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin
Dalam buku ini, tujuh buah kertas kerja telah dihimpunkan, tiga daripadanya oleh penulis yang berasal dari Indonesia dan bakinya oleh penulis dari Malaysia. Buku ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian, iaitu “Sejarah Budaya Rao dan Faktor Penghijrahan ke Tanah Melayu” dan “Sumbangan Masyarakat Rao di Tanah Melayu”. [More info]
This book is the result of a group of scholars’ writings sponsored by Yayasan Bukhari, who want to recognise the important role that women have played in Islamic education across the Malay archipelago. The book acknowledged that the pre- and post-colonial systems had an impact on popular perceptions and beliefs on Islamic studies, highlighting the diverse educational backgrounds of each individual. [More info]