On 4th of November, IIUM KEPMC received a visit from our honorable rector, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak and Prof. Dr. Zainal Abidin Sanusi (Director of Sejahtera Centre, IIUM) for a roundtable discussion on the updates of IIUM KEPMC. This event was also attended by the delegate from RCE, Prof. Dr. Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO Chair at York University in Toronto, Canada. During the same event, they were also shown on the products that have been made through our sustainable programs such as soap from used cooking all, fertilizers from food compost (Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd) and upcycled chair using used denim clothing (Dar al-Hikmah Library IIUM Kuantan).

#RCE #UN #freecyclekuantan #iiumkepmc #iium #epmc #iiumkuantan #kulliyyahofmedicine #kulliyyahofdentistry #kulliyyahofnursing #kulliyyahofpharmacy #kulliyyahofalliedhealthsciences #kulliyyahofscience #planetIIUM #sasmec #iiumsasmec #iiumdevelopment #DaralHikmahLibraryIIUMKuantan #oshbeiium


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