Accreditation Documents

What is Accreditation?

In February 2017, IIUM was granted the Self-Accreditation status by the MQA making it one of the nineteen (19) HEPs granted the status in Malaysia. Under the Self-Accreditation status, IIUM is to accredit its programmes except for programmes that require accreditation and recognition of the relevant professional bodies.

An accreditation evaluation is conducted to verify that the programme under evaluation is in compliance with its related programme standards and the requirements of the MQF observing all aspects of Good Practice as advocated through MQA’s Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation 2 (COPPA 2).

The three (3) accreditation processes are Provisional Accreditation (MQA-01), Full Accreditation (MQA-02) and New-Cycle Accreditation (MQA-04).

Note: The remaining elaboration in this section provides information on the conduct of the Provisional Accreditation (MQA-01), Full Accreditation (MQA-02) and New-Cycle Accreditation (MQA-04) in IIUM under the self-accreditation status.

Provisional Accreditation MQA-01 Process Flow


Provisional Accreditation Process Flow (Appendix A)_


Click here to download

IIUM MQA-01 Templates

Provisional Accreditation is an exercise to determine whether a programme has met the minimum quality requirements preliminary to Full Accreditation.


  1. Template for IIUM MQA-01 (Others)
  2. Template for IIUM MQA-01 (Research)
  3. Appendix A
  4. Appendix B
  5. Appendix C
  6. IIUM MQA-01 – Part A

Full Accreditation MQA-02 Process Flow


Full Accreditation Process Flow (Appendix B)


Click here to download

IIUM MQA-02 Templates

Full Accreditation is an assessment exercise to ascertain that the teaching, learning and all other related activities of a programme provided by a Higher Education Provider (HEP) have met the quality standards and are in compliance with the MQF.

  1. Template for IIUM MQA-02 (Others)
  2. Template for IIUM MQA-02 (Research)
  3. Template for IIUM MQA-02 (Self-Review) Part D
  4. Appendix A
  5. Appendix B
  6. Appendix C
  7. Appendix D
  8. IIUM MQA-02 – Part A

New-Cycle Accreditation MQA-04 Process Flow


New-cycle AccreditationPMA Process Flow (Appendix D)


Click here to download

IIUM MQA-04 Templates

A New-Cycle Accreditation or Programme Maintenance Audit (PMA) must be conducted at least once in 5 years. Should the audit result to be unsatisfactory, the accreditation status for that programme may be revoked. A compliance evaluation will also be conducted to programmes which obtained perpetual accreditation status by MQA (since the blanket accreditation). 

  1. Introduction to IIUM MQA-04 Template
  2. Template for MQA-04
  3. IIUM MQA-04 Part A

Audit Checklist 

  1. Audit Preparation Checklist