Foreword by the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement)

Assalamualaikum Wrt. Wbt.,
Greetings and welcome to the Office of the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement).
As the custodian of the University’s students’ development and engagement within the perimeters of our local neighborhood, we are driven to engage students in meaningful holistic development that results in a profound social change and sustainable positive impact on the community. The office was created to challenge and support students to be engaged citizens in their communities and be active parts of support in building a culture of service for IIUM. The value of students engaging in community development projects is immeasurable.
Our office is dedicated in providing students with enriching transformative experiences which combines a balance of academic education and opportunities for experiential learning or real-life skills to serve the communities in a variety of meaningful ways. We cultivate and transform students into community leaders, dedicated to social action.
In the course of producing graduates with holistic traits and personality, this office will strive to implement approved plans of action established for this purpose as it has been entrusted with matters pertaining to students’ welfare, and the responsibility to provide them with the necessary assistance required in order for students to focus their experience as IIUM students. Students are our invaluable assets. Therefore, providing them with proper guidance and support is very crucial. That is why we are here to assist in many ways ; such as the provision of solutions to personal, social and economic encounters.
As the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement), I can assure you that my office will keep on striving to create diverse and meaningful platforms for IIUM students to receive the best in becoming bearers of the Ummah, InsyaAllah.
“Leading the Way”
Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement)
International Islamic University Malaysia