On 10th November, IIUMKEPMC organized an appreciation session to all collaborators who have been working very hard together with us in many environmental sustainability programs. The collaborators are SWCorp, Malaysian Nature Society, Sally Global Enterprise, Pn Norfazilah, Sultan Ahmad Shah IIUM Mosque, Dar al-Hikmah Library IIUM Kuantan, Medical Students Society IIUM Kuantan, Eco Club, Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd, Sr Nurul Hidayah Abdullah and Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences at Senate Hall, IIUM Kuantan Campus.
The day commenced with the arrival of collaborators, followed shortly by the esteemed arrival of the VVIP, setting the stage for a day filled with appreciation and recognition. The Master of Ceremonies skillfully conducted the opening ceremony, and Prof. Dr. Samsul Draman, Deputy Campus Director (Academic Support Services) delivered a succinct but impactful speech, underlining the importance of collaboration on environmental programs. The certificate-giving ceremony, led by Prof. Dr. Samsul, Dr. Artika, and Dr. Zakuan, honored individuals and organizations pivotal to the event’s success. A photography session captured these momentous memories, and a refreshing dining hall session provided the perfect conclusion to the day, fostering a sense of achievement and camaraderie among all attendees. This event exemplified the power of collaboration and the importance of acknowledging the contributions of those involved.
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