On 23rd September 2023, IIUM KEPMC collaborated with Institute of Oceanography and Maritime Studies (INOCEM) and Marine Science Department, IIUM in the international Coastal Cleanup activities at Cherok Paloh beach, Kuantan, Pahang. This 1 day event hosted many activities related to environmental conservation such as beach clean up, trash to cash as well as other fascinating activities for the community such as coloring competition and free eye checkup. We hope that this event can be continued later in the future and we will be very happy to collaborate again!

#inocem #marinescienceiium #freecyclekuantan #iiumkepmc #iium #epmc #iiumkuantan #kulliyyahofmedicine #kulliyyahofdentistry #kulliyyahofnursing #kulliyyahofpharmacy #kulliyyahofalliedhealthsciences #kulliyyahofscience #planetIIUM #sasmec #iiumsasmec #iiumdevelopment #DaralHikmahLibraryIIUMKuantan #oshbeiium


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