In conjunction with IIUM 2023 Library Client Day, IIUM KEPMC had collaborated with Dar al-Hikmah Library IIUM Kuantan for free book giveaway to Kuantan community on 25th and 26th October 2023. Books from various titles and genres were collected from the public, sorted by the Dar al-Hikmah staff and promoted through the Freecycle Kuantan facebook page. Around 3000 books were given to the community coming from various ages, race and religion to enjoy the art of reading! We thank everyone for their contribution and definitely will collaborate again with Dar al-Hikmah Library IIUM Kuantan for more upcoming activities!
#freecyclekuantan #iiumkepmc #iium #epmc #iiumkuantan #kulliyyahofmedicine #kulliyyahofdentistry #kulliyyahofnursing #kulliyyahofpharmacy #kulliyyahofalliedhealthsciences #kulliyyahofscience #planetIIUM #sasmec #iiumsasmec #iiumdevelopment #DaralHikmahLibraryIIUMKuantan #oshbeiium