On 14th of November 2023, delegates from IIUM Kuantan EPMC organized a one day knowledge transfer program on soap making to the staff of Royale Chulan Cherating Villas, Kuantan, Pahang. The workshop was coordinated by Br. Hasrul Erwan Nyak Hussain from OSHBE IIUM, Sr. Nadea Gzali from Kulliyyah of Nursing, IIUM and assisted by Sr. Zuwainah from Kulliyyah of Dentistry, Sr. Siti Rosianti from Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, Sr. Suhaila from Kulliyyah of Science, Sr. Wan Nazma Fazira from Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, Br. Ariffin from OSHBE and Dr. Zakuan Azizi from Kulliyyah of Science. Majority of the participants had a great time during the session and they are looking forward to more collaboration with IIUM on environmental sustainability program. The team would like to thank all coordinators and especially to Mr. Anthony, General Manager of Royale Chulan Cherating Villas for the invitation.

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