The Information Technology Department was established to manage the all ICT services of the Campus. The Department handles Network and Communication, System Development, Desktop and Computing support and many related to ICT.
ITD is currently a department within the IIUM Kuantan Campus created to consolidate efforts in providing ICT services to the campus community. It is envisioned that this unit will evolve into an entity to undertake IT projects on a turnkey basis. In this respect, ITD has a role as a service provider to all Kulliyyahs/Divisions/Centres in IIUM. ITD will identify, plan and implement IT projects as well as support and maintain its operations on behalf of the users.
In implementing the projects, ITD will study the requirements, design and specify the scope of work, supervise and manage the projects on behalf of the users, test and commission the system, train and support the users, and provide the maintenance. In some cases where, interfacing between systems is required or where a specific application is required, ITD support personnel will develop the application themselves. As a part of an institution of higher learning, ITD, by accepting these roles, will play a major role in enhancing the image of IIUM in this country and the world.