International, Cultural and Experiential Learning (ICEL)
The IIUM Roadmap 2021-2022’s strategic direction is humanising education through Maqasid as Shariah and Sustainable Development Goals. The Office of Deputy Rector (Academic and Internationalisation) has one strategic focus area that is International, Cultural and Experiential Learning which aims for a strategic outcome that is to produce balances graduates and staff. This strategic focus means IIUM ensures a conducive shared learning (culture of Iqra’) ecosystem that is geared towards the convergence of knowledge founded on the Tawhid in producing well balanced Sejahtera persons (students).
International, cultural and experiential learning (ICEL) are three main components of ODRAI’s strategic focus. International refers to the emphasis on values-based and experiential education of international standard and cultural is about the adaptive values, world views, and qualities that have been ingrained in behaviour. Experiential learning refers to the whole educational experiences that the students get throughout formal, informal and non- formal situations including tacit knowledge. Co-creation of knowledge will be adopted as the main part of experiential learning. Thus, this chapter looks at the high impact initiative for ICEL- The Sejahtera Academic Framework, its strategic objective, strategic initiatives, actions and output of the actions.
We serve the International Islamic University Malaysia by:
- planning all academic programmes;
- strengthening academic policy development;
- establishing, maintaining and strengthening collaborations with the industries;
- participating in local and global community groups, educational entities; government and legislative bodies to develop partnership;
- approving and coordinating educational programmes proposed by Centre of Studies;
- supervising professional development programmes for academic staff;
- overseeing and ensuring the quality of teaching and learning processes of the university;
- monitoring teaching and learning processes by incorporating E-Learning eco-system;
- developing and promoting the culture of efficient and effective teaching and learning;
- synchronizing academic programmes, attending meetings, supervising academically-oriented centres and projects;
- coordinating the implementation of postgraduate eco-system;
- creating a condusive and harmonious learning eco-system that is capable of producing high quality graduates;
- encouraging life-long learning among students and staff in line with the philosophy of IIUM; creating knowledge in the spirit of Tauhid and treating the seeking and creating of knowledge as an act of worship.
IIUM ROADMAP 2023 – 2024
1. Leverage on Internationally-Recognised Chairs and Centres for Rahmatan Lil Al-Amin (Deputy Director, Office of Deputy Rector (Academic and Internationalisation))
2. Implement Lifelong Learning Through Flexible and Global Education (Director, Centre for Professional Development)
3. Promote Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Among IIUM Community (Director, Office of International Affairs)
4. Enhance Experiential Learning in Curriculum (Director, Office of Knowledge and Advancement for Change)
5. Enrich International Population Mix Through Smart Promotion (Director, Office of Communication, Advocacy and Promotion for Change)
**The Roadmap has identified 30 strategic initiatives to be implemented at University-level during the planned period. To ensure effective implementation of the initiatives, the Roadmap has also identified Office-in-Charge for each of the initiative.