Collaboration & Partnership
International Partner List
Algeria | University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Algeria | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2015 | 22-Jun-15 | 21-Jun-25 |
University Echahid Hamma Lakhdar El-Oued | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2020 | 24-Nov-20 | 23-Nov-23 | |
Bangladesh | University of Chittagong | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2018 | 12-Nov-18 | 11-Nov-23 |
International Islamic University Chittagong | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2019 | 27-Jan-19 | 26-Jan-24 | |
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2022 | 28-Apr-22 | 27-Apr-25 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2019 | 18-Apr-19 | 17-Apr-24 |
Brunei | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2019 | 3-Mar-19 | 2-Mar-24 |
Universiti Teknologi Brunei | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2021 | 31-Aug-21 | 30-Aug-26 | |
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2023 | 5-Jan-23 | 4-Jan-28 | |
China | Guizhou Minzu University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2021 | 30-Nov-21 | 29-Nov-26 |
School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2023 | 24-Feb-23 | 23-Feb-28 | |
France | Institut supérieur de l'automobile et des transports, University of Burgundy | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2018 | 13-Sep-18 | 12-Sep-23 |
University of Limoges | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2020 | 27-Feb-20 | 26-Feb-25 | |
Germany | International League of Academicians | International Institute for Muslim Unity | 2019 | 24-Sep-19 | 23-Sep-24 |
India | C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2019 | 24-Sep-19 | 23-Sep-24 |
ATOBA Business Networks Pvt Ltd | International Institute for Halal Research and Training | 2020 | 7-Dec-20 | 6-Dec-23 | |
ATOBA Business Networks Pvt Ltd | IIUM Academy of Graduate and Professional Studies, International Institute for Halal Research and Training | 2021 | 18-Aug-21 | 17-Aug-25 | |
Imam Gazzali Academy | International Institute for Muslim Unity | 2022 | 6-Nov-22 | 5-Nov-25 | |
Indonesia | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2017 | 26-Sep-17 | Automatically renewed every 5 years |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2017 | 16-Nov-17 | Automatically renewed every 5 years | |
Politeknik Negeri Malang | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2018 | 13-Nov-18 | 12-Nov-23 | |
Bung Hatta University | Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design | 2018 | 23-Nov-18 | 22-Nov-23 | |
Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics, Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2019 | 8-Feb-19 | 7-Feb-24 | |
Universitas Islam Riau | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2019 | 20-Feb-19 | 19-Feb-24 | |
Esa Unggul University | Kulliyyah of Science | 2019 | 19-Mar-19 | 18-Mar-24 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Education | 2019 | 30-Apr-19 | 29-Apr-24 | |
Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan Nusa Tenggara Barat (LPP NTB) | Centre for Postgraduate Studies | 2019 | 23-Aug-19 | 22-Aug-24 | |
Universitas Islam Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2019 | 18-Sep-19 | 17-Sep-24 | |
University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2019 | 30-Oct-19 | 29-Oct-24 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2019 | 17-Oct-19 | 16-Oct-24 | |
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology | 2019 | 11-Dec-19 | 10-Dec-24 | |
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2020 | 7-Jan-20 | 1-Jun-25 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta | Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology | 2020 | 10-Jan-20 | 9-Jan-24 | |
Universitas Brawijaya | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2020 | 4-Mar-20 | 3-Mar-25 | |
Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Yarsi | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2020 | 30-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-23 | |
Universitas Bandar Lampung | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2021 | 7-Jan-21 | 6-Jan-26 | |
Universitas Jambi | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2021 | 15-Jan-21 | 14-Jan-26 | |
Universitas Gadjah Mada | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2021 | 15-Feb-21 | 14-Feb-24 | |
Universitas Brawijaya | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2021 | 24-Feb-21 | 23-Feb-24 | |
Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat | Kulliyyah of Education | 2021 | 9-Mar-21 | 8-Mar-25 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2021 | 11-Mar-21 | 10-Mar-26 | |
Institute of Health Science Syedza Saintika | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2021 | 20-May-21 | 19-May-24 | |
Universitas Padjadjaran | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2021 | 7-Sep-21 | 6-Sep-26 | |
Universitas Abdurrab | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2021 | 28-Oct-21 | 27-Oct-24 | |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2021 | 3-Dec-21 | 2-Dec-24 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang | International Institute for Muslim Unity | 2022 | 9-Feb-22 | 8-Feb-25 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2022 | 6-Apr-22 | 5-Apr-25 | |
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2022 | 31-May-22 | 30-May-24 | |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Kulliyyah of Science | 2022 | 7-Jun-22 | 6-Jun-25 | |
Universitas Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2022 | 25-Mar-22 | 24-Mar-25 | |
Universitas Airlangga | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2022 | 3-Aug-22 | 2-Aug-27 | |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2022 | 29-Aug-22 | 28-Aug-25 | |
University Al-Azhar Indonesia | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2022 | 17-Nov-22 | 16-Nov-25 | |
Universitas Sriwijaya | Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | 2022 | 28-Nov-22 | 27-Nov-27 | |
Institut Teknologi Bandung | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2022 | 15-Dec-22 | 14-Dec-25 | |
Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2023 | 9-Jan-23 | 8-Jan-25 | |
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta | Kulliyyah of Information and Communcation Technology | 2023 | 18-Jan-23 | 17-Jan-26 | |
Ar-Raniry State Islamic University | Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences | 2023 | 27-Feb-23 | 26-Feb-24 | |
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2023 | 15-Jun-23 | 14-May-26 | |
Iran | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2022 | 6-Apr-22 | 5-Apr-25 |
Italy | Sophia University Institute | International Institute for Muslim Unity | 2022 | 22-Jul-22 | 21-Jul-25 |
University of Turin | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2023 | 14-Apr-23 | 13-Mar-26 | |
Japan | Faculty Graduate School and School of Engineering, Hokkaido University | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2012 | 12-Nov-12 | Automatically renewed every 5 years |
Kansai University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2016 | 16-Feb-16 | Automatically renewed every 5 years | |
Kagoshima Univesity | Kulliyyah of Science | 2019 | 6-Mar-19 | 5-Mar-24 | |
Doshisha University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2020 | 29-Jun-20 | 28-Jun-25 | |
Fukushima University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2021 | 21-May-21 | 20-May-24 | |
Fukuoka University | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2021 | 26-Oct-21 | 25-Oct-24 | |
UKM, UPM, GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd, Japan Space Systems | Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design | 2021 | 1-Dec-21 | 30-Nov-26 | |
Shibaura Institute of Technology | Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design | 2022 | 1-Nov-22 | 31-Oct-27 | |
Bunkyo Gakuin University | Kulliyyah of Education | 2022 | 7-Nov-22 | 6-Nov-25 | |
Jordan | Yarmouk University | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2022 | 14-Oct-22 | 13-Oct-25 |
Kingdom of Bahrain | The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2021 | 1-Jan-21 | 31-Dec-23 |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | International Islamic Fiqh Academy | Alumni Relations Division | 2022 | 20-Sep-22 | 19-Sep-25 |
Maldives | Islamic University of Maldives | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2023 | 16-May-23 | 15-May-26 |
Morocco | International University of Rabat | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2019 | 5-Sep-19 | 4-Sep-24 |
New Zealand | Auckland University of Technology | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2022 | 24-Feb-22 | 23-Feb-25 |
Ulul Albab Islamic Institute New Zealand | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2023 | 9-Jan-23 | 8-Jan-26 | |
Nigeria | Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Nigeria (IBFIN) | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2019 | 27-Dec-19 | 26-Dec-24 |
Halal Certification Authority | International Institute for Halal Research and Training | 2021 | 17-Mar-21 | 16-Mar-26 | |
Pakistan | Dha Suffa University | IIUM Academy of Graduate and Professional Studies | 2020 | 19-Oct-20 | 18-Oct-23 |
Qatar | Qatar University | Sejahtera Centre | 2023 | 15-May-23 | 14-May-26 |
Al Jazeera Media Institute | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2023 | 16-May-23 | 15-May-26 | |
Singapore | Straits Interactive Pte Ltd | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2019 | 22-Mar-19 | 21-Mar-24 |
South Korea | Kunsan National University | Kulliyyah of Nursing | 2018 | 22-Nov-18 | 21-Nov-28 |
Sun Moon University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2022 | 3-Mar-22 | 2-Mar-25 | |
Switzerland | Haqq Association | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-26 |
Taiwan | Chang Gung University | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2022 | 1-Sep-22 | 31-Aug-25 |
Tajikistan | OJSC "Tawhidbank" | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2020 | 5-Aug-20 | 4-Aug-23 |
Thailand | Srinakharinwirot University | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2022 | 22-Aug-22 | 21-Aug-24 |
Turkey | Istanbul Medeniyet University | Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws | 2018 | 7-Oct-18 | 6-Oct-23 |
Istanbul Medipol University | Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology | 2019 | 18-Jan-19 | 17-Jan-24 | |
Selcuk University | Office of International Affairs | 2019 | 18-Feb-19 | 17-Feb-24 | |
Suleyman Demirel University | Office of International Affairs | 2019 | 23-Mar-19 | 22-Mar-24 | |
Ondokuz Mayis University | Kulliyyah of Science | 2019 | 24-Apr-19 | 23-Apr-24 | |
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University | Office of International Affairs | 2019 | 7-May-19 | 6-May-24 | |
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey | Office of International Affairs | 2019 | 6-Sep-19 | 5-Sep-23 | |
Duzce University | Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology | 2019 | 29-Oct-19 | 28-Oct-24 | |
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University | Office of International Affairs | 2019 | 23-Oct-19 | 22-Oct-24 | |
Idgir University | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2020 | 25-Mar-20 | 25-Mar-25 | |
KTO Karatay University | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2021 | 1-Apr-21 | 31-Mar-24 | |
Duzce University | Office of International Affairs | 2021 | 27-Aug-21 | 26-Aug-26 | |
Isparta University of Applied Sciences | Office of International Affairs | 2021 | 31-Dec-21 | 30-Dec-26 | |
Afyon Kocatepe University | Office of International Affairs | 2022 | 10-Mar-22 | 11-Mar-27 | |
Bingol University | Office of International Affairs | 2022 | 23-Aug-22 | 22-Aug-27 | |
European Academy for Islamic Finance and Economics (EAIFE) | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2023 | 3-Jan-23 | 2-Jan-26 | |
Islam Dusunce Institute. | International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization | 2023 | 30-Jan-23 | 29-Jan-26 | |
University of Karabuk | International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization | 2023 | 2-Feb-23 | 1-Feb-28 | |
United Arab Emirates | Gulf Medical University | Kulliyyah of Medicine | 2019 | 19-Aug-19 | 18-Aug-24 |
Gulf Medical University | Kulliyyah of Medicine | 2021 | 11-Nov-21 | Until further notice | |
United Kingdom | Ibn Rushd Center of Excellence for Islamic Research | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2019 | 1-Nov-19 | 31-Oct-24 |
University of Bristol | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2021 | 13-Aug-21 | 12-Aug-26 | |
King's College London | Kulliyyah of Dentistry | 2021 | 5-Oct-21 | 4-Oct-26 | |
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and Universiti Putra Malaysia | Kulliyyah of Medicine | 2020 | 6-Mar-20 | 5-Mar-25 | |
United State America | International Institute of Islamic Thought | International Institute for Muslim Unity | 2021 | 1-Jan-21 | 31-Dec-25 |
Guidance College | AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | 2022 | 9-Feb-22 | 8-Feb-25 | |
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2022 | 13-Jun-22 | 12-Jun-25 | |
University of Pittsburgh | Kulliyyah of Pharmacy | 2022 | 1-Aug-22 | 31-Jul-25 | |
Maqasid Institute | Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology | 2022 | 11-Nov-22 | 10-Nov-25 | |
Uzbekistan | Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology | Kulliyyah of Engineering | 2019 | 5-Sep-19 | 4-Sep-24 |
Urgench State University | Kulliyyah of Languages and Management | 2021 | 21-May-21 | 20-May-24 | |
Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan | IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance | 2022 | 7-Sep-22 | 6-Sep-25 |